Hello! And welcome to Beautiful Hair!
This website intends to help you find the best gadgets and accessories to have your hair looking gorgeous and healthy.
If you ask me, hair is the key accessory. No matter if you are a woman or a man. A polished beard, a beautiful mane are more memorable than whatever pair of shoes or branded bags you might take along. Besides, it is a symptom of good health, wealth and it is yours. It belongs to you and only you. It makes you unique. How you style it, shows your personality, the same way as any other fashion accessory.
A little bit of hair history..
Hair always had a social factor. Remember the cool wigs used in the Baroque or Romanticism. Well, hair was a way to show status. The bigger, the better, the more dramatic the wig… the better social and economic situation of the wearer. It is a bit like today, just that we want the hair to look natural. A lush long, well-styled mane, brings an aura of wealth.
That is why we all want to have strong and beautiful hair and I am not sure about you, but I am ready to do the investment. 💸 My hair seems to go through phases. Some months look like a million bucks, others – most of them- look just not great. Why is that? Argh! It is frustrating.

That is why I decided to start this journal that eventually is becoming your go-to – page to find everything hair-related. And it makes me intensely happy to be able to help you in your journey to have beautiful hair too. All the while I am discovering what works best for me. Please do not hesitate to send me your comments as I want to improve what my husband calls my Hair Bible. 😂

Oh! Also please note that to assist in paying the hosting, domain names, tests, etc… I have some affiliate links from Amazon and some Google ads. That is not increasing the cost of the products at all, so please use them if you can in order to support my work.
Also, I want to add that the information I am sharing and the recommendations I am providing are totally honest. If I have not experienced the treatment or the gadget, I will refer to the existing reviews or ask friends that have experienced them. Genuinely, all I want is to offer you honest advice to have that gorgeous hair we all dream of.
Hair Curlers, Straighteners, and Dryers, are the first gadgets I want to share my research with you. Why? Because I find they can help tremendously to make us look fab. And if not chosen correctly, they can damage our hair and achieve quite the opposite of what we want.
So, are you ready to understand what hair curler, straightener, or blow dryer is best for your hair type? Yey! Let’s go!